Saturday, November 20, 2010

Pharmaceutical drugs and happiness

        Depression and anxiety attacks are common problems facing the world today. The history of pharmaceutical drugs shows that they have come a long way in bringing about a measure of happiness in a world filled with economic and social dysfunction.  Before administering any type of pharmaceutical product, one should consult with a doctor in order to be made aware of any dangerous side effects associated with the medication. Ultimately,  persons who decide to use pharmaceutical drugs in an attempt to make life livable, must ask themselves if the drugs are actually creating a desirable state of happiness, or are they just using the drugs as a crutch in order to avoid dealing with the underlying causes of their unhappiness.  

  Anti-depressants have been available for many years in a variety of formulations.  As such, they have tried to create a golden bridge towards happiness.  Elizabeth Wurtzel states that “In the United States alone, more than 300 million prescriptions are filled every year for Prozac and other anti-depressants.  Symptoms of depression and anxiety attack are a growing problem in the country today.  For some, problems develop at an early age.  For example, when parents aren’t getting along and find themselves on the brink of divorce.  Many children feel guilty about the situation and blame themselves for their parents’ breakup.  It could also come from the death of a family member as well.  Violent pasts have also been known to create situations which lend themselves to the onset of psychological problems.  The symptoms include voluntary isolation from peer groups, loss of appetite and/or sleep, feelings of depression, manifested by an inability to focus on daily routines inside a classroom or work environment.  An individual exhibiting any of these issues should clearly seek professional guidance.

Scientists have been trying to perfect a cure for depression through the use of pharmaceutical drugs for many years now. They believe that through the use of these types of drugs alone a person can gain happiness and thus an improved quality of life.  Greg Critser is of the opinion that “For decades medical science had suspected that one cause of depression involved low levels in the brain of a chemical known as serotonin.” (34)  Since 1974, scientists had been doing extensive experimentation on animals in the hopes of coming up with a cure for the problem at hand.  In 1984, after years of testing, the end result was the creation of a drug named Prozac.  Also, in 1984, the Drug Price Competition and Patent Term Restoration Act was passed by Congress.  That Act made it easier to bring affordable drugs to the market place.  Some people praised the drug, others were totally against it.

  All drugs have side effects, and should be stopped immediately if they are found to cause more problems than they cure.   Over time, the medication should deliver a sense of calmness, an inner happiness, rather than any negative side effects such as delusional or overly aggressive behavior.  Greg Critser queries. “Who knows where all this innovation will lead? “Certainly not the FDA, which is too busy approving new drugs to properly patrol the trenches.” (39)  Many pharmaceutical drugs produce side effects and should be used with caution.  They are not a cure-all.  One should be aware of the down side of any medication, such as paranoia or suicidal thoughts, increased irritability or an inability to function properly on the job.  Most importantly, not sensing any improvement in your condition after using the medication for a reasonable length of time, is grounds for questioning its continued use.

Pharmaceutical drugs are here to stay in the 21st century.  The original goal hasn’t changed since it was established many years ago. That goal was to create a cure and bring about happier lives through the use of pharmaceutical drugs.   Greg Critser writes, “But the ultimate goal of the new pharmo-capitalism involves the consumer, once known as “the patient.” (36)  The pharmaceutical companies who foot the bill for research, development and manufacture of the drugs are there to help lessen the affects of depression, but the essential goal--as with any corporation--is to bring a profitable product into the market place.  Nowadays, it’s not very difficult to get a prescription from your physician for Prozac.  In essence, a discussion with your physician concerning the issues and problems you face, can facilitate your access to the medication.

Before taking the medicine, ask yourself: what do you hope to gain by administering the drug, and why do you feel depressed?  Greg, Critser says, “He gave me a patient lecture on how some depressed people are what he called “long term chronic.” (37)  You may think you were born with this problem, telling yourself that it’s just an ingrained part of your psychological make-up, that you have a need for that drug in order to function “normally.”  But are you using that line of reasoning as an excuse to justify your use of the drug, or do you really need this “crutch” to make it through the day?  Is the drug ultimately going to change your life for the better by bringing about true happiness?  Then again, what is true “happiness?”  And do you really need a pill to achieve it?  Many people can get along without taking medication and can fulfill their emotional needs by establishing friendships that foster positive, motivational guidelines to follow in order to resolve negative issues that every human being, at some time or other in their lives will encounter and which must be met, and conquered.

  Medication isn’t always the enemy and can sometimes assist you on the road towards a desirable path.  It can help you focus, organize, and even prioritize your life a whole lot better if you truly need it. That, for many people, is all the happiness they seek.  Human beings aren’t perfect, and even those fortunate enough to be rich or famous are not immune from life’s everyday problems.  As Elizabeth Wurtzel states “The pills weren't a cure but they gave me breathing space, which allowed me to start writing again.”  So medication is an option, if you honestly feel the need is there.

  In summary, depression is faced by millions of people in America, if not the world.  The causes of depression are multifaceted but, for many sufferers, drugs such as Prozac, are a god-send.   Unfortunately, the amount of scientific testing on animals and the suffering that those poor creatures had to endure in order to help create relief-giving drugs for humanity, is also considered by many to be an inhumane and unforgivable act.  Scientists believe they have the answer, the cure for depression and the key to true happiness, but that conclusion is not as yet written in stone.  Only time will tell.  Ultimately, the person who takes the drug has to ask why he or she needs the medication in order to determine if it’s actually for better--or worse.

Friday, November 12, 2010

What I'm grateful for!

        The first thing I'm most grateful for is having a full extended caring loving supporting family.  A mom, dad, sister, step father, step brother and step sisters, etc.  After that comes a place to live in New York City, having clothes on my back, and a nice size refrigerator full of delicious tasty food.  I'm also happy to have a job in this bad economy and money to spend. Having friends I can talk to when I'm feeling happy or sad is something I’m glad to have. 

       I'm very grateful to be alive and healthy in this world, which probably should be on the top of my list.  Being able to get a higher education, have free medical and tuition pay by the government for my four years of honorable enlisted service is also something I’m very proud of.  On top of being educated I'm grateful for having my computer skills to help build up my career for the future.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Happiness and Relationships

        Through the use of advanced, powerful and ever-creative technology, we are able to maintain happier relationships in the world.

Internet and social networking tools weren’t available until quite recently.  The internet gained in popularity around the 1990’s when desktop computer and laptop prices began to tumble, thus becoming more in line with what the average buyer might be willing and able to pay.  In due course, the social networking era was introduced around 2003.  First, came and then  After that, dating websites and interest-based communities quickly appeared, helping us to rekindle friendships with acquaintances who had drifted away due to changes in addresses and job situations.  

Tal Ben-Shahar “In fact, however, the most important and challenging component of a happy relationship is not finding one right person –I do not believe that there is just one right person for each of us—but rather cultivating the one chosen relationship.”(120)  That means that there are many different types of relationships, including friendships, work partnerships and loving relationships. You shouldn’t work on just one, but all of them.  Doing so will make you a more well-rounded individual and put a certain balance in your life.  The new technology we have today and the way we connect with our loved ones and business associates has totally been altered.  We no longer rely solely on regular mail or land-line phones to stay in touch.  E-mail and texting are all the rage nowadays.  For some, it’s an addiction--as well as a distraction--from the real world.  People who constantly check e-mail a hundred times daily may need to seek help in defining why they feel more comfortable with technology, rather than actual human contact. 

Tal Ben-Shahar quotes Lord Byron to the affect that “All who would win joy must share it; happiness was born a twin.”(111)  Thus, happiness should always be shared--and expressed with others--especially family and friends, in order to be truly realized.  People, who were born in countries other than where they now reside, love to communicate with relatives and friends in their country of origin.  We almost never lose interest in maintaining relationships with others who still reside in places where we first saw the light of day.  Using Skype and Skype mobile video sharing software opens up that part of the world again, enabling us to maintain contact with loved ones for only a few cents a day.  Having the ability to connect to a friend anywhere there is a Wi-Fi internet connection is nothing short of amazing!  On top of that, the sound quality and picture are great!  The interface is user friendly and easy to manipulate, even for those with limited computer knowledge.  All you need is a computer or laptop, a web camera and Skype software in order to connect.  Seeing old friends smiling back at you--and talking about the good times had in the past--can only help to maintain happy relationships.      

Mobile phones have been around since the early 1970’s.  The first versions were huge and awkward to carry around.  Not only were they  costly to own, but reception was not always satisfactory.  Thus, they were unappreciated and unpopular.  No one could have conceived that, by 2007, the appearance of the Smartphone would revolutionize the very nature of communication as much as it has.  After the Smartphone, the Tablet was introduced in 2010, turning the telephone into a device capable of many different applications, such as computing, downloading of books, e-mailing, researching on websites such as Google, as well as the downloading of newspaper and magazine articles.  Even GPS functionality has been built into an easily transported device.    

As technology changed, so did the world we live in, thus enhancing our ability to communicate with others.  David Myers states that “There are few stronger predictions of happiness than a close, nurturing, equitable, intimate, lifelong companionship with one’s best friend.”(112)  It is not always easy to stay in touch with all of our friends and loved ones at any given time, but as human beings, it’s in our nature to do so.  Without our friends or loved ones, we would be lost in this world. 

         In summary, the internet and social networking systems have helped to keep us connected with each other around the globe.  Times have certainly changed--but so has technology.  Fortunately technology has become more affordable, and thus more of a necessity than the unattainable luxury it was once considered.  As human beings, we need to express our ideas and thoughts.  Technology enhances those aspects by increasing our ability to learn and communicate.  That is what keeps us moving as well as motivated.  All things considered, technology is a powerful tool for attaining that knowledge, but it should not consume the bulk of our time and take us away from dealing with people in the real world.  

What other fascinating technology awaits us down the road?  I can hardly wait!