Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Happiness in Education

I will be discussing the article entitled “Happiness in Education.” It will include some personal feedback of my own from the TED video by Sir Ken Robinson, entitled “Do Schools Kill Creativity?”  Sir Robinson’s video discusses his belief that human beings, in general, have the potential for great creativity.  He goes on to say that he thinks that the educational system, as it exists today, is destroying that inborn ability.  He states that every educational system in the world has the same hierarchy of subjects: Mathematics, Languages, Humanities and, at the bottom, the Arts. The system makes you think that you’ll never be good at what you might like to do, such as “art, or dance” he states. There isn’t any real way to teach Art in public education he goes on to says, but there is for Mathematics.  There was a quote by the great artist, Picasso, in the TED video which states: “All children are born artists. The problem is to remain an artist as we grow up.”  In other words, the system downplays the urge for self-expression to the extent that the love for that type of creativity is either lost or forced on the back burner, hopefully to be restored when the “essentials” of education are put to rest.

Now, I remember growing up as a child loving Computers and the Arts. Drawing use to be one of my all-time favorite hobbies. As soon as I started high school I slowly stop pursuing it though. The interest just wasn’t there anymore.  I believe it was because of all the other subjects I had to complete in High School. It made me feel like I was part of the drowning model as stated in the article “Happiness in Education.” The work was just too overpowering, and made me feel like I was drowning.  It was drilled into me that Math, English and other subjects were more important in my educational life than the love for art.  Math was never my strong subject.  I can relate to what Sir Robinson says in the video in general. I wanted Computer Information Systems as a major, but I was reminded constantly that it required too much math so I choose a alternative route.  I decided that New Media Technology suited me better, as it basically combines both art and computers into one, which I loved!   Psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi states in the article “Happiness in Education” that “flow” is a state in which one is immersed in an experience that is rewarding in and of itself, so that we are living in the experience in which “action and awareness are merged”  I believe that Computers and the Arts are my “flow.”  It’s what keeps me moving forward in life and makes me happy.

The article Happiness and Education asks:  Am I happy at my job?  And how can I become happier?  In Hebrew, the word “work” (avoda) stems from the same root as the word for “slave” (eved).  Most of us don’t have any choice but to work for a living.  Now, I can actually say I have had both good and bad jobs in my life.  Doing four years in the U.S. Navy was good, even though at times it felt like it was bad. The ability to travel and see parts of the world and culture I would not otherwise have been exposed to was great.  I was fortunate to visit many places, such as Italy, Spain, Greece, England and Africa. The work wasn’t easy though, and many times it demanded more time and effort then the usually nine to five job at the office.  The benefits at the end of my tour were worth it though.  The government provides me with free medical coverage and tuition for college.  Sometimes I believe people feel that their being forced to work makes them feel like slaves.  But, in general, working hard at jobs not really enjoyed, ultimately provides one with the discipline to become a better and stronger person down the road--if dreams are further pursued through education along the lines that will make one happier.

In summary, I really enjoyed watching the TED video by Sir Ken Robinson, and reading the article entitled “Happiness in Education.” It reinforced my love of art and computers, as well as my passion and willingness to pursue the dreams of my youth.  It is my flow and my happiness!  Most people have no choice but to slave away for a living, but it’s what you make of the job that makes one feel better, especially if you enjoy what you are doing.  In the final analysis, in order to see the light at the end of the tunnel, working hard is necessary to acquire the benefits, riches--and happiness--that you desire down the road.


  1. I think this is a great essay.I found it very interesting that work and slave came from the same root word.I think it was great that you adapted and found a major that satisfied your love of the arts and computers, while being able to stay away from some math.You shown that nothing in life comes easy and you have to make sacrifices in order to get what you desire.Besides that it seems you had fun along the way. Great job :)

  2. @Carl

    Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it! Making this blog felt like I was doing a jigsaw puzzle. Everything comes together eventually. It just takes time and plenty of effort. Same as my life and career down the road. Nothing comes easy unless you inherit it, or just get lucky and hit the lottery lol. :-)

  3. Nice job Andrew. I really thought you did a good job integrating your experiences and the texts. Try to use the intro to present a thesis and essay map next time rather than to give background info.

  4. @Dr. McCormick

    Alright I'll do that.

  5. Hey Andrew! I also liked what you wrote, I read your essay before, but had no time to comment :) I could relate to your story with mat a lot! Why schools forcing it if you struggle so much with that? Good enough that we know how to count, other then that we don't use square roots and radicals in real life!
    I like the fact that you know appreciation! When you explained your feelings about Navy that it wasn't always good, but still saw a positive outcome like traveling and seeing the world. Like that quote from the book Pursuit of Happiness- "While I do not believe that things necessarily happen for the best , I know that some people are able to make the best of things that happen." This definitely can apply to you.
